Plane deinen Urlaub und starte mit uns am Herrentag in ein unvergessliches Abenteuer voller Liebe, Magie und Trance!

Lasst uns gemeinsam den Start der norddeutschen Outdoor-Saison 2025 zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis machen: Vom 29. Mai bis 01. Juni vereint das Psychedelic Experience Festival erneut tausende internationale Freaks und Top-Künstler aus aller Welt, um den Sommer psychedelisch einzuläuten.

Dieses Jahr starten wir das Festival am Heerentag! Das bedeutet: Bucht eure Tickets, plant euren Urlaub, nutzt den Brückentag und taucht ein in eine unvergessliche Welt. Macht Urlaub in einer traumhaften Bilderbuch-Location, umgeben von Trance und Magie.

Über 70 Stunden lang, auf zwei Bühnen, sprengen wir die Grenzen der Fantasie – zwischen Erde und Sternen, Tanz und Traum, Tag und Nacht. Gemeinsam begeben wir uns auf eine Reise durch klangvolle Welten, die zum Staunen, Träumen und Tanzen einladen.

Das Psychedelic Experience Festival lädt dich ein, rund um unsere bunte Main Stage zu feiern, im liebevoll gestalteten Ambient Garden zu entspannen und dich von detailverliebten Dekosphären überraschen zu lassen. Alte Freunde begrüßen, neue Begegnungen erleben – das ist die Magie, die uns alle verbindet.

Für unsere Gäste gibt es einen großen Marktplatz, auf dem internationale Händler ihre Zelte aufschlagen. Künstler, Designer und Händler präsentieren ihre einzigartigen Produkte, während Küchen aus aller Welt Köstlichkeiten für jeden Geschmack anbieten.

Wenn du dir vor oder nach dem Festival ein paar Tage Urlaub gönnen möchtest, hat das “Land der 2033 Seen” die besten Plätze zum Entspannen – sei es beim Baden, Campen, Angeln, Wandern, Mountainbiken oder auf unvergesslichen Kanutouren.

Wir danken dir für deine großartige Unterstützung in den vergangenen, schwierigen Zeiten und freuen uns, dich dieses Jahr mit viel Magie, Sonne und Liebe willkommen zu heißen. Die Nachfrage ist groß, sichere dir heute dein Ticket.

Wir freuen uns, dich bald begrüßen zu dürfen!

Euer Psy Exp Team

Let’s kick off the unforgettable festival season 2025!

Let’s make the start of the Northern German outdoor season 2025 an unforgettable experience together: From May 29th to June 1st, the Psychedelic Experience Festival will once again unite thousands of international freaks and top artists from all over the world to kick off the summer with psychedelic vibes.

This year, we start the festival on Ascension Day! That means: Book your tickets, plan your vacation, take advantage of the long weekend, and immerse yourself in an unforgettable world. Enjoy a holiday in a picturesque location, surrounded by trance and magic.

For more than 70 hours, on two stages, we will push the boundaries of fantasy—between earth and stars, dance and dream, day and night. Together, we embark on a journey through soundscapes that invite you to marvel, dream, and dance.

The Psychedelic Experience Festival invites you to celebrate around our colorful Main Stage, chill in the lovingly designed Ambient Garden, and be surprised by intricate decoration spheres. Greet old friends, make new connections—that’s the magic that unites us all.

For our guests, there will be a large marketplace where international vendors will set up their tents. Artists, designers, and dealers will showcase their unique products, while kitchens from all over the world will offer delicacies for every taste.

If you want to treat yourself to a few days of vacation before or after the festival, the “Land of 2033 Lakes” offers the best spots for relaxation—whether swimming, camping, fishing, hiking, mountain biking, or unforgettable canoe trips.

We thank you for your great support during the challenging times in the past and look forward to welcoming you this year with lots of magic, sunshine, and love. Demand is high, so get your ticket today.

We look forward to welcoming you soon!


Your Psy Exp Crew

Time to Psychedelic Experience 2025








Start: Thursday, 29 May 2025 – 12:00 PM

End: Sunday, 1 June 2025  – 6:00 PM

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Psy Experience Festival on Facebook

🦋✨ Artist Announcement ✨🦋
PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE FESTIVAL 2025 – The Traditional Season Opening presents Bliss ☀️

We’re ecstatic to welcome Bliss, one of the most renowned names in the world of Psytrance, to the Psychedelic Experience Festival 2025! Hailing from Israel, Bliss is celebrated for his high-energy performances, massive drops, and crowd-unifying vibes that have made him a global phenomenon.

🌍 Artist: Bliss
🎶 Genre: Psychedelic Trance
🌟 Label: Nutek
🇮🇱 Origin: Israel

Prepare to be transported to another dimension as Bliss brings his explosive beats and melodic storytelling to May 29 – June 1, 2025. His unmatched ability to blend euphoric energy with driving rhythms guarantees an unforgettable experience for every dancefloor enthusiast. 🌿✨

🎟️ Tickets are selling fast!
Don’t miss out on the Psychedelic Experience 2025 – secure your spot today and be part of the magic!

🔗 Ticket link in bio
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1 day ago
🦋✨ Artist Announcement ✨🦋
PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE FESTIVAL 2025 – The Traditional Season Opening presents Bliss ☀️

We’re ecstatic to welcome Bliss, one of the most renowned names in the world of Psytrance, to the Psychedelic Experience Festival 2025! Hailing from Israel, Bliss is celebrated for his high-energy performances, massive drops, and crowd-unifying vibes that have made him a global phenomenon.

🌍 Artist: Bliss
🎶 Genre: Psychedelic Trance
🌟 Label: Nutek
🇮🇱 Origin: Israel

Prepare to be transported to another dimension as Bliss brings his explosive beats and melodic storytelling to May 29 – June 1, 2025. His unmatched ability to blend euphoric energy with driving rhythms guarantees an unforgettable experience for every dancefloor enthusiast. 🌿✨

🎟️ Tickets are selling fast!
Don’t miss out on the Psychedelic Experience 2025 – secure your spot today and be part of the magic!

🔗 Ticket link in bio
📲 More info & Tickets:

🎥 20 JAHRE INTACT EXPANDA – 2013, DIE ZEITREISE GEHT WEITER! ⌛️🌀☀️2013, Ein Jahr, das nicht einfach nur ein weiteres Kapitel war – es war ein eigenes Universum.🔥 Die Luft vibrierte, der Bass rollte, die Menge vereint mit dem Sound.💃 Ein Tanz zwischen Realität und Rausch, zwischen Licht und Liebe.✨ Die Musik war unser Kompass, der Dancefloor unser Zuhause.🔊 Jeder Drop ein Feuerwerk, jeder Break ein Moment, in dem die Zeit stillstand.🌌 2013 war mehr als nur eine Party – es war eine Bewegung.📅 Am 1. März 2025 öffnen wir ein letztes Mal die Tore der Großen Freiheit 36!🎟 Tickets? Schneller weg als der letzte Bass in der Nacht.🚀 Komm rum, sonst erzähl’n dir die anderen, wie fett es war.🎟️ in bio🔗 #20JahreIntact #TheLastDance #GoaVibes #PsytranceFamily #ThrowbackGoa #HamburgRaves #PsytranceGermany #FestivalVibes #SolartechEvent #LimitedTickets #TranceLegends #ProgressiveTrance #RaveCulture #LetzteGoaParty #OneLastTime #TranceAddict #PsychedelicSounds #GoaHistory #SpiritOfGoa #RaveTogether #BassImBlut ... See MoreSee Less

5 days ago

🦋✨ Artist Announcement ✨🦋
PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE FESTIVAL 2025 presents Blastoyz - The Traditional Season Opening ☀️

We’re beyond thrilled to announce Blastoyz, one of the most celebrated artists in the world of Psychedelic Trance. Known for his electrifying performances and massive global following, Blastoyz has become a true icon of the scene, delivering unforgettable sets that inspire and energize.

🌍 Artist: Blastoyz
🎶 Genre: Psychedelic Trance
🌟 Label: Welvrave
🇮🇱 Origin: Israel

Get ready for a high-octane performance as Blastoyz unleashes his powerful basslines, captivating melodies, and signature futuristic sound at May 29 – June 1, 2025. As one of the biggest names in Psytrance, his set will elevate the energy of the festival and leave the crowd in awe. 🌿✨

🎟️ Tickets are selling fast!
Join us for the Psychedelic Experience 2025 – secure your spot today and be part of the magic.

🔗 Ticket link in bio

📲 More info & Tickets:
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6 days ago
🦋✨ Artist Announcement ✨🦋
PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE FESTIVAL 2025 presents Blastoyz - The Traditional Season Opening ☀️

We’re beyond thrilled to announce Blastoyz, one of the most celebrated artists in the world of Psychedelic Trance. Known for his electrifying performances and massive global following, Blastoyz has become a true icon of the scene, delivering unforgettable sets that inspire and energize.

🌍 Artist: Blastoyz
🎶 Genre: Psychedelic Trance
🌟 Label: Welvrave
🇮🇱 Origin: Israel

Get ready for a high-octane performance as Blastoyz unleashes his powerful basslines, captivating melodies, and signature futuristic sound at May 29 – June 1, 2025. As one of the biggest names in Psytrance, his set will elevate the energy of the festival and leave the crowd in awe. 🌿✨

🎟️ Tickets are selling fast!
Join us for the Psychedelic Experience 2025 – secure your spot today and be part of the magic.

🔗 Ticket link in bio

📲 More info & Tickets:

🚀 Action non-stop - Die Vorbereitungen laufen auf Hochtouren für das 20 Jahre Jubiläum! Überall stapeln sich Turnbeutel und Promo-Materialien – alles ist bereit für den 01. März. 🔥 Sei einer der ersten 500 Gäste und schnapp dir dein exklusives Promo-Pack. 🪄🌀🕉️Nicht verpassen, sichert eure Tickets jetzt! 🔗 Link in Bio. 🎟️#HamburgEvents #psytrancecommunity #festivalprep #psychedelictrance #solartechevent #electronicmusic #goaparty #trancefamily #festivalcountdown #hamburgnightlife #raveculture #trancemusic #psyfamily #musicfestival2025 #festivalseason #festivalvibes #psychedelicmusic #dancemusic #edmhamburg #GermanFestivals #MusicLovers #festivallife #partyhard #raveon #electronicdancemusic #festivalready #festivalgoers ... See MoreSee Less

1 week ago

🌀 Psychedelic Experience Festival 2025 – Kein Platz für Hass. Kein Raum für Spaltung. 🐲✨

Hier zählt nur eins: Unsere Community.
In einer Welt voller Gegensätze setzen wir ein klares Zeichen. Unser Festival steht für Stärke durch Zusammenhalt, Vielfalt und die unaufhaltsame Kraft der Musik. Bei uns gibt es keine Barrieren, keine Vorurteile – nur eine gemeinsame Vision: Frieden, Respekt und echte Verbindungen.

🌍 Ein internationales Highlight:
4 Tage internationale Psytrance-Kultur auf einer wunderschönen Camping-Area, mit Menschen aus aller Welt, die eins verbindet: die Liebe zur Musik und zur Freiheit.

🎶 4 Tage. Eine Familie. Ein Spirit.
Unser Festival ist der Ort, an dem Grenzen verschwimmen und echte Verbindungen entstehen – getragen von einer einzigartigen, internationalen Gemeinschaft.

👉 Sei Teil von etwas Größerem:
... See MoreSee Less

1 week ago
🌀 Psychedelic Experience Festival 2025 – Kein Platz für Hass. Kein Raum für Spaltung. 🐲✨

Hier zählt nur eins: Unsere Community.
In einer Welt voller Gegensätze setzen wir ein klares Zeichen. Unser Festival steht für Stärke durch Zusammenhalt, Vielfalt und die unaufhaltsame Kraft der Musik. Bei uns gibt es keine Barrieren, keine Vorurteile – nur eine gemeinsame Vision: Frieden, Respekt und echte Verbindungen.

🌍 Ein internationales Highlight:
4 Tage internationale Psytrance-Kultur auf einer wunderschönen Camping-Area, mit Menschen aus aller Welt, die eins verbindet: die Liebe zur Musik und zur Freiheit.

🎶 4 Tage. Eine Familie. Ein Spirit.
Unser Festival ist der Ort, an dem Grenzen verschwimmen und echte Verbindungen entstehen – getragen von einer einzigartigen, internationalen Gemeinschaft.

👉 Sei Teil von etwas Größerem:
Psy Experience Festival on Instagram
🦋✨ Artist Announcement ✨🦋
PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE FESTIVAL 2025 – The Traditional Season Opening presents Carbon 🌀

We’re thrilled to welcome Carbon, a trailblazer in the psychedelic techno scene, to the Ambient Garden at Psychedelic Experience Festival 2025! Known for his mesmerizing sets that blend hypnotic rhythms with deep, pulsating beats, Carbon has been a key figure in defining the sound of modern Psychedelic Techno.

🌍 Artist: Carbon
🎶 Genre: Psychedelic Techno
🌟 Label: Senso Sounds
🇩🇪 Origin: Germany

Prepare to embark on a sonic odyssey with Carbon as he takes us through a landscape of surreal soundscapes and electrifying energy. His performance is not just a set; it’s an experience designed to transport you to another dimension of musical consciousness. 🌀✨

🎟️ Be part of this unforgettable journey!
Secure your tickets now and join us from May 29 – June 1, 2025, for a transformative musical experience.

🔗 Ticket link in bio

📲 More info & Tickets:

#PsychedelicExperience #Carbon #PsytranceFestival #PsychedelicTechno #SensoSounds #PsytranceGermany #TechnoBeats #PsyFamily #TranceCulture #ElectronicMusicFestival #PsychedelicTrance #GoaParty #FestivalGermany #GoaScene #PsychedelicVibes #GoaCommunity #psyexpfestival2025 #TranceFestival #OpenAirFestival #GermanyFestival #FestivalVibes #GoaTribe #PsychedelicCulture #SummerFestival #GoaLovers #psyfestival

🦋✨ Artist Announcement ✨🦋
PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE FESTIVAL 2025 – The Traditional Season Opening presents Carbon 🌀

We’re thrilled to welcome Carbon, a trailblazer in the psychedelic techno scene, to the Ambient Garden at Psychedelic Experience Festival 2025! Known for his mesmerizing sets that blend hypnotic rhythms with deep, pulsating beats, Carbon has been a key figure in defining the sound of modern Psychedelic Techno.

🌍 Artist: Carbon
🎶 Genre: Psychedelic Techno
🌟 Label: Senso Sounds
🇩🇪 Origin: Germany

Prepare to embark on a sonic odyssey with Carbon as he takes us through a landscape of surreal soundscapes and electrifying energy. His performance is not just a set; it’s an experience designed to transport you to another dimension of musical consciousness. 🌀✨

🎟️ Be part of this unforgettable journey!
Secure your tickets now and join us from May 29 – June 1, 2025, for a transformative musical experience.

🔗 Ticket link in bio

📲 More info & Tickets:

#PsychedelicExperience #Carbon #PsytranceFestival #PsychedelicTechno #SensoSounds #PsytranceGermany #TechnoBeats #PsyFamily #TranceCulture #ElectronicMusicFestival #PsychedelicTrance #GoaParty #FestivalGermany #GoaScene #PsychedelicVibes #GoaCommunity #psyexpfestival2025 #TranceFestival #OpenAirFestival #GermanyFestival #FestivalVibes #GoaTribe #PsychedelicCulture #SummerFestival #GoaLovers #psyfestival

121 9
🦋✨ ORDER 5, GET 6! ✨🦋

Join the Psychedelic Experience Festival 2025 with your tribe and create an unforgettable family experience! 🧚‍♀️✨

🌌 Magical festival vibes, international psytrance culture, and a beautiful camping area await you and your tribe!

🔥 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, or the full festival – you decide how you celebrate!

🎟️ Order 5, get 6 – this offer is valid until the festival!

👉 Secure your tickets now and be part of the magic!

📍 Location: Gallin bei Lübz (19386), Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
📅 Date: May 29 – June 1, 2025

🔗 More info & tickets:

#psyexpfestival2025 #psyfestival #solartechevent #festivalcultural #ruthen #psytrancefestival #psytranceworld #psytranceculture #psytrancefamily #psytrancecommunity #festival #dancefestival #musicfestival #weareone #psytrance

🦋✨ ORDER 5, GET 6! ✨🦋

Join the Psychedelic Experience Festival 2025 with your tribe and create an unforgettable family experience! 🧚‍♀️✨

🌌 Magical festival vibes, international psytrance culture, and a beautiful camping area await you and your tribe!

🔥 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, or the full festival – you decide how you celebrate!

🎟️ Order 5, get 6 – this offer is valid until the festival!

👉 Secure your tickets now and be part of the magic!

📍 Location: Gallin bei Lübz (19386), Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
📅 Date: May 29 – June 1, 2025

🔗 More info & tickets:

#psyexpfestival2025 #psyfestival #solartechevent #festivalcultural #ruthen #psytrancefestival #psytranceworld #psytranceculture #psytrancefamily #psytrancecommunity #festival #dancefestival #musicfestival #weareone #psytrance

30 0
🦋✨ Artist Announcement ✨🦋
PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE FESTIVAL 2025 – The Traditional Season Opening presents Day Din ☀️

We’re thrilled to welcome Day Din, one of Germany’s most renowned names in Progressive Trance, to the Psychedelic Experience Festival 2025! 🇩🇪 With his uplifting melodies, hypnotic grooves, and signature sound, Day Din continues to captivate audiences on dancefloors around the world.

🌍 Artist: Day Din
🎶 Genre: Progressive Trance
🌟 Label: Spintwist Records
🇩🇪 Origin: Germany

Get ready for a sonic adventure as Day Din delivers a set filled with energetic beats, intricate harmonies, and pure progressive magic. Performing at May 29 – June 1, 2025, his music will undoubtedly be a highlight of the festival, bringing smiles and connection to every corner of the dancefloor. 🌿✨

🎟️ Tickets are selling fast!
Don’t miss out on the Psychedelic Experience 2025 – secure your spot today and be part of this unforgettable journey.

🔗 Ticket link in bio
📲 More info & Tickets:

#PsychedelicExperience #DayDin #psyexperience #PsytranceFestival #ProgressiveTrance #PsytranceGermany #GoaVibes #SpintwistRecords #PsyFamily #TranceCulture #ElectronicMusicFestival #PsychedelicTrance #GoaParty #FestivalGermany #GoaScene #PsychedelicVibes #GoaCommunity #psyexpfestival2025 #TranceFestival #OpenAirFestival #GermanyFestival #FestivalVibes #GoaTribe #PsychedelicCulture #SummerFestival #GoaLovers #PsyFestival

🦋✨ Artist Announcement ✨🦋
PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE FESTIVAL 2025 – The Traditional Season Opening presents Day Din ☀️

We’re thrilled to welcome Day Din, one of Germany’s most renowned names in Progressive Trance, to the Psychedelic Experience Festival 2025! 🇩🇪 With his uplifting melodies, hypnotic grooves, and signature sound, Day Din continues to captivate audiences on dancefloors around the world.

🌍 Artist: Day Din
🎶 Genre: Progressive Trance
🌟 Label: Spintwist Records
🇩🇪 Origin: Germany

Get ready for a sonic adventure as Day Din delivers a set filled with energetic beats, intricate harmonies, and pure progressive magic. Performing at May 29 – June 1, 2025, his music will undoubtedly be a highlight of the festival, bringing smiles and connection to every corner of the dancefloor. 🌿✨

🎟️ Tickets are selling fast!
Don’t miss out on the Psychedelic Experience 2025 – secure your spot today and be part of this unforgettable journey.

🔗 Ticket link in bio
📲 More info & Tickets:

#PsychedelicExperience #DayDin #psyexperience #PsytranceFestival #ProgressiveTrance #PsytranceGermany #GoaVibes #SpintwistRecords #PsyFamily #TranceCulture #ElectronicMusicFestival #PsychedelicTrance #GoaParty #FestivalGermany #GoaScene #PsychedelicVibes #GoaCommunity #psyexpfestival2025 #TranceFestival #OpenAirFestival #GermanyFestival #FestivalVibes #GoaTribe #PsychedelicCulture #SummerFestival #GoaLovers #PsyFestival

142 4
🦋✨ Artist Announcement ✨🦋
PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE FESTIVAL 2025 – The Traditional Season Opening proudly presents Boundless! ☀️

Boundless is set to ignite the Ambient Garden at Psychedelic Experience Festival 2025. This dynamic duo from Portugal merges cutting-edge techno beats with psychedelic elements, offering a truly unique sound that captivates and energizes.

🌍 Artist: Boundless
🎶 Genre: Psychedelic Techno
🇵🇹 Origin: Portugal 

Experience a transcendent audio journey as Boundless delivers an unforgettable set filled with pulsating rhythms and hypnotic melodies. Prepare for a performance that transcends the ordinary and propels you into a state of musical bliss. 🌀✨

🎟️ Be quick to catch them live!
Grab your tickets now and ensure you’re part of this extraordinary musical exploration from May 29 – June 1, 2025!

🔗 Ticket link in bio

📲 For more info & tickets:

#PsychedelicExperience #Boundless #PsytranceFestival #PsychedelicTechno #TechnoBeats #PsyFamily #TranceCulture #ElectronicMusicFestival #PsychedelicTrance #GoaParty #FestivalGermany #GoaScene #PsychedelicVibes #GoaCommunity #psyexpfestival2025 #TranceFestival #OpenAirFestival #GermanyFestival #FestivalVibes #TechnoTribe #PsychedelicCulture #SummerFestival #TechnoLovers #PsyFestival

🦋✨ Artist Announcement ✨🦋
PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE FESTIVAL 2025 – The Traditional Season Opening proudly presents Boundless! ☀️

Boundless is set to ignite the Ambient Garden at Psychedelic Experience Festival 2025. This dynamic duo from Portugal merges cutting-edge techno beats with psychedelic elements, offering a truly unique sound that captivates and energizes.

🌍 Artist: Boundless
🎶 Genre: Psychedelic Techno
🇵🇹 Origin: Portugal

Experience a transcendent audio journey as Boundless delivers an unforgettable set filled with pulsating rhythms and hypnotic melodies. Prepare for a performance that transcends the ordinary and propels you into a state of musical bliss. 🌀✨

🎟️ Be quick to catch them live!
Grab your tickets now and ensure you’re part of this extraordinary musical exploration from May 29 – June 1, 2025!

🔗 Ticket link in bio

📲 For more info & tickets:

#PsychedelicExperience #Boundless #PsytranceFestival #PsychedelicTechno #TechnoBeats #PsyFamily #TranceCulture #ElectronicMusicFestival #PsychedelicTrance #GoaParty #FestivalGermany #GoaScene #PsychedelicVibes #GoaCommunity #psyexpfestival2025 #TranceFestival #OpenAirFestival #GermanyFestival #FestivalVibes #TechnoTribe #PsychedelicCulture #SummerFestival #TechnoLovers #PsyFestival

72 3
🦋✨ Artist Announcement ✨🦋
PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE FESTIVAL 2025 – The Traditional Season Opening presents Akari System ☀️

We’re excited to announce Akari System as the techno headliner for our Ambient Garden at Psychedelic Experience Festival 2025! Hailing from Japan, Akari System has been making waves in the psychedelic techno scene with their hypnotic beats and dynamic performances.

🌍 Artist: Akari System
🎶 Genre: Psychedelic Techno
🌟 Label: Alpaka 
🇯🇵 Origin: Japan

Get ready to be transported into a realm of deep, pulsating rhythms and surreal soundscapes. Akari System’s set is sure to be a mesmerizing experience for all techno enthusiasts. 🌀✨

🎟️ Don’t miss your chance to be part of this unique experience!
Secure your tickets now and join us from May 29 – June 1, 2025, for a musical journey like no other!

🔗 Ticket link in bio

📲 More info & Tickets:

#PsychedelicExperience #AkariSystem #PsytranceFestival #PsychedelicTechno #AlpacaMusic #PsytranceGermany #TechnoBeats #PsyFamily #TranceCulture #ElectronicMusicFestival #PsychedelicTrance #GoaParty #FestivalGermany #GoaScene #PsychedelicVibes #GoaCommunity #psyexpfestival2025 #TranceFestival #OpenAirFestival #GermanyFestival #FestivalVibes #GoaTribe #PsychedelicCulture #SummerFestival #GoaLovers #PsyFestival

🦋✨ Artist Announcement ✨🦋
PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE FESTIVAL 2025 – The Traditional Season Opening presents Akari System ☀️

We’re excited to announce Akari System as the techno headliner for our Ambient Garden at Psychedelic Experience Festival 2025! Hailing from Japan, Akari System has been making waves in the psychedelic techno scene with their hypnotic beats and dynamic performances.

🌍 Artist: Akari System
🎶 Genre: Psychedelic Techno
🌟 Label: Alpaka
🇯🇵 Origin: Japan

Get ready to be transported into a realm of deep, pulsating rhythms and surreal soundscapes. Akari System’s set is sure to be a mesmerizing experience for all techno enthusiasts. 🌀✨

🎟️ Don’t miss your chance to be part of this unique experience!
Secure your tickets now and join us from May 29 – June 1, 2025, for a musical journey like no other!

🔗 Ticket link in bio

📲 More info & Tickets:

#PsychedelicExperience #AkariSystem #PsytranceFestival #PsychedelicTechno #AlpacaMusic #PsytranceGermany #TechnoBeats #PsyFamily #TranceCulture #ElectronicMusicFestival #PsychedelicTrance #GoaParty #FestivalGermany #GoaScene #PsychedelicVibes #GoaCommunity #psyexpfestival2025 #TranceFestival #OpenAirFestival #GermanyFestival #FestivalVibes #GoaTribe #PsychedelicCulture #SummerFestival #GoaLovers #PsyFestival

212 6
🌍 Ort: Gallin bei Lübz (19386), Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
📅 Datum: 29. Mai – 1. Juni 2025

1 Tag, 2 Tage, 3 Tage oder das volle Festival – du entscheidest, wie du zelebrierst! 🧚‍♀️

Erlebe eine Festival-Produktion voller Magie, mit einer wunderschönen Camping-Area, der besten Psytrance-Community und internationaler Psytrance-Kultur.

🎟️ Tickets ab 25 € – jetzt sichern!

🔗 Link in Bio

#PsychedelicExperience #PsyexpFestival #psyexpfestival2025 #SolartechEvent #PsytranceFestival #PsytranceGermany #GoaVibes #ProgressiveTrance #ElectronicMusicFestival #FestivalGermany #PsychedelicVibes #GoaScene #OpenAirFestival #FestivalVibes #PsytranceCommunity #SummerFestival #GoaCommunity #FestivalMagic #TranceCulture #PsychedelicJourney #TranceNation #PsytranceFamily #PsychedelicTrance #PsytranceLovers #FestivalLife #MusicFestival #GoaTribe #ProgressiveTrance

🌍 Ort: Gallin bei Lübz (19386), Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
📅 Datum: 29. Mai – 1. Juni 2025

1 Tag, 2 Tage, 3 Tage oder das volle Festival – du entscheidest, wie du zelebrierst! 🧚‍♀️

Erlebe eine Festival-Produktion voller Magie, mit einer wunderschönen Camping-Area, der besten Psytrance-Community und internationaler Psytrance-Kultur.

🎟️ Tickets ab 25 € – jetzt sichern!

🔗 Link in Bio

#PsychedelicExperience #PsyexpFestival #psyexpfestival2025 #SolartechEvent #PsytranceFestival #PsytranceGermany #GoaVibes #ProgressiveTrance #ElectronicMusicFestival #FestivalGermany #PsychedelicVibes #GoaScene #OpenAirFestival #FestivalVibes #PsytranceCommunity #SummerFestival #GoaCommunity #FestivalMagic #TranceCulture #PsychedelicJourney #TranceNation #PsytranceFamily #PsychedelicTrance #PsytranceLovers #FestivalLife #MusicFestival #GoaTribe #ProgressiveTrance

49 1
🦋✨ Artist Announcement ✨🦋
PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE FESTIVAL 2025 – The Traditional Season Opening presents Flegma ☀️

We are thrilled to welcome Flegma, the progressive trance project of Dalibor Delić from Belgrade, Serbia, to the Psychedelic Experience Festival 2025!  Known for his deep, pulsating basslines and hypnotic progressive soundscapes, Flegma has been a defining force in the Psychedelic Progressive Trance scene for years.

🌍 Artist: Flegma 
🎶 Genre: Psychedelic Progressive Trance
🌟 Label: TesseracTstudio
🇷🇸 Origin: Serbia

Prepare for an electrifying performance as Flegma takes you on a sonic journey filled with rolling bass, intricate melodies, and a futuristic atmosphere. Performing from May 29 – June 1, 2025, this set will be a must-experience for all lovers of progressive psychedelic grooves. 🌿✨

🎟️ Tickets are selling fast!
Don’t miss out on the Psychedelic Experience 2025 – secure your spot today and witness Flegma’s powerful live performance!

🔗 Ticket link in bio

📲 More info & Tickets:

#PsychedelicExperience #Flegma #DaliborDelic #PsytranceFestival #PsychedelicProgressiveTrance #PsytranceGermany #DrivingBasslines #TesseracTstudio #PsyFamily #TranceCulture #ElectronicMusicFestival #PsychedelicTrance #GoaParty #FestivalGermany #GoaScene #PsychedelicVibes #GoaCommunity #psyexpfestival2025 #TranceFestival #OpenAirFestival #GermanyFestival #FestivalVibes #GoaTribe #PsychedelicCulture #SummerFestival #GoaLovers #PsyFestival

🦋✨ Artist Announcement ✨🦋
PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE FESTIVAL 2025 – The Traditional Season Opening presents Flegma ☀️

We are thrilled to welcome Flegma, the progressive trance project of Dalibor Delić from Belgrade, Serbia, to the Psychedelic Experience Festival 2025!  Known for his deep, pulsating basslines and hypnotic progressive soundscapes, Flegma has been a defining force in the Psychedelic Progressive Trance scene for years.

🌍 Artist: Flegma
🎶 Genre: Psychedelic Progressive Trance
🌟 Label: TesseracTstudio
🇷🇸 Origin: Serbia

Prepare for an electrifying performance as Flegma takes you on a sonic journey filled with rolling bass, intricate melodies, and a futuristic atmosphere. Performing from May 29 – June 1, 2025, this set will be a must-experience for all lovers of progressive psychedelic grooves. 🌿✨

🎟️ Tickets are selling fast!
Don’t miss out on the Psychedelic Experience 2025 – secure your spot today and witness Flegma’s powerful live performance!

🔗 Ticket link in bio

📲 More info & Tickets:

#PsychedelicExperience #Flegma #DaliborDelic #PsytranceFestival #PsychedelicProgressiveTrance #PsytranceGermany #DrivingBasslines #TesseracTstudio #PsyFamily #TranceCulture #ElectronicMusicFestival #PsychedelicTrance #GoaParty #FestivalGermany #GoaScene #PsychedelicVibes #GoaCommunity #psyexpfestival2025 #TranceFestival #OpenAirFestival #GermanyFestival #FestivalVibes #GoaTribe #PsychedelicCulture #SummerFestival #GoaLovers #PsyFestival

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🦋✨ ORDER 5, GET 6! ✨🦋

Join the Psychedelic Experience Festival 2025 with your tribe and create an unforgettable family experience! 🧚‍♀️✨

🌌 Magical festival vibes, international psytrance culture, and a beautiful camping area await you and your tribe!

🔥 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, or the full festival – you decide how you celebrate!

🎟️ Order 5, get 6 – this offer is valid until the festival!

👉 Secure your tickets now and be part of the magic!

📍 Location: Gallin bei Lübz (19386), Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
📅 Date: May 29 – June 1, 2025

🔗 More info & tickets:

#psyexpfestival2025 #psyfestival #solartechevent #festivalcultural #ruthen #psytrancefestival #psytranceworld #psytranceculture #psytrancefamily #psytrancecommunity #festival #dancefestival #musicfestival #weareone #psytrance

🦋✨ ORDER 5, GET 6! ✨🦋

Join the Psychedelic Experience Festival 2025 with your tribe and create an unforgettable family experience! 🧚‍♀️✨

🌌 Magical festival vibes, international psytrance culture, and a beautiful camping area await you and your tribe!

🔥 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, or the full festival – you decide how you celebrate!

🎟️ Order 5, get 6 – this offer is valid until the festival!

👉 Secure your tickets now and be part of the magic!

📍 Location: Gallin bei Lübz (19386), Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
📅 Date: May 29 – June 1, 2025

🔗 More info & tickets:

#psyexpfestival2025 #psyfestival #solartechevent #festivalcultural #ruthen #psytrancefestival #psytranceworld #psytranceculture #psytrancefamily #psytrancecommunity #festival #dancefestival #musicfestival #weareone #psytrance

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🦋✨ Artist Announcement ✨🦋
PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE FESTIVAL 2025 – The Traditional Season Opening presents Fungus Funk ☀️

We’re thrilled to welcome Fungus Funk, a pioneer of Forest Psytrance, to Psychedelic Experience Festival 2025! Known for his dynamic energy and hypnotic soundscapes, Fungus Funk has become a legend in the Forest Psytrance scene, captivating dancefloors worldwide.

🌍 Artist: Fungus Funk
🎶 Genre: Forest Psytrance
🌟 Label: Sangoma Records
🇪🇸 Origin: Spain

Prepare to be immersed in a sonic forest journey as Fungus Funk delivers deep basslines, intricate rhythms, and an electrifying atmosphere. Performing at May 29 – June 1, 2025, this set is sure to be a highlight for fans of psychedelic and organic beats. 🌿✨

🎟️ Tickets are selling fast!
Don’t miss out on Psychedelic Experience 2025 – secure your spot today and experience Fungus Funk’s powerful live performance!

🔗 Ticket link in bio

📲 More info & Tickets:

#PsychedelicExperience #FungusFunk #psyexperience #PsytranceFestival #ForestPsytrance #SangomaRecords #PsytranceGermany #DrivingBasslines #PsyFamily #TranceCulture #ElectronicMusicFestival #PsychedelicTrance #GoaParty #FestivalGermany #GoaScene #PsychedelicVibes #GoaCommunity #psyexpfestival2025 #TranceFestival #OpenAirFestival #GermanyFestival #FestivalVibes #GoaTribe #PsychedelicCulture #SummerFestival #GoaLovers #PsyFestival

🦋✨ Artist Announcement ✨🦋
PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE FESTIVAL 2025 – The Traditional Season Opening presents Fungus Funk ☀️

We’re thrilled to welcome Fungus Funk, a pioneer of Forest Psytrance, to Psychedelic Experience Festival 2025! Known for his dynamic energy and hypnotic soundscapes, Fungus Funk has become a legend in the Forest Psytrance scene, captivating dancefloors worldwide.

🌍 Artist: Fungus Funk
🎶 Genre: Forest Psytrance
🌟 Label: Sangoma Records
🇪🇸 Origin: Spain

Prepare to be immersed in a sonic forest journey as Fungus Funk delivers deep basslines, intricate rhythms, and an electrifying atmosphere. Performing at May 29 – June 1, 2025, this set is sure to be a highlight for fans of psychedelic and organic beats. 🌿✨

🎟️ Tickets are selling fast!
Don’t miss out on Psychedelic Experience 2025 – secure your spot today and experience Fungus Funk’s powerful live performance!

🔗 Ticket link in bio

📲 More info & Tickets:

#PsychedelicExperience #FungusFunk #psyexperience #PsytranceFestival #ForestPsytrance #SangomaRecords #PsytranceGermany #DrivingBasslines #PsyFamily #TranceCulture #ElectronicMusicFestival #PsychedelicTrance #GoaParty #FestivalGermany #GoaScene #PsychedelicVibes #GoaCommunity #psyexpfestival2025 #TranceFestival #OpenAirFestival #GermanyFestival #FestivalVibes #GoaTribe #PsychedelicCulture #SummerFestival #GoaLovers #PsyFestival

449 11
🌍 Ort: Gallin bei Lübz (19386), Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
📅 Datum: 29. Mai – 1. Juni 2025

1 Tag, 2 Tage, 3 Tage oder das volle Festival – du entscheidest, wie du zelebrierst! 🧚‍♀️

Erlebe eine Festival-Produktion voller Magie, mit einer wunderschönen Camping-Area, der besten Psytrance-Community und internationaler Psytrance-Kultur.

🎟️ Tickets ab 25 € – jetzt sichern!

🔗 Link in Bio

#PsychedelicExperience #PsyexpFestival #psyexpfestival2025 #SolartechEvent #PsytranceFestival #PsytranceGermany #GoaVibes #ProgressiveTrance #ElectronicMusicFestival #FestivalGermany #PsychedelicVibes #GoaScene #OpenAirFestival #FestivalVibes #PsytranceCommunity #SummerFestival #GoaCommunity #FestivalMagic #TranceCulture #PsychedelicJourney #TranceNation #PsytranceFamily #PsychedelicTrance #PsytranceLovers #FestivalLife #MusicFestival #GoaTribe #ProgressiveTrance

🌍 Ort: Gallin bei Lübz (19386), Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
📅 Datum: 29. Mai – 1. Juni 2025

1 Tag, 2 Tage, 3 Tage oder das volle Festival – du entscheidest, wie du zelebrierst! 🧚‍♀️

Erlebe eine Festival-Produktion voller Magie, mit einer wunderschönen Camping-Area, der besten Psytrance-Community und internationaler Psytrance-Kultur.

🎟️ Tickets ab 25 € – jetzt sichern!

🔗 Link in Bio

#PsychedelicExperience #PsyexpFestival #psyexpfestival2025 #SolartechEvent #PsytranceFestival #PsytranceGermany #GoaVibes #ProgressiveTrance #ElectronicMusicFestival #FestivalGermany #PsychedelicVibes #GoaScene #OpenAirFestival #FestivalVibes #PsytranceCommunity #SummerFestival #GoaCommunity #FestivalMagic #TranceCulture #PsychedelicJourney #TranceNation #PsytranceFamily #PsychedelicTrance #PsytranceLovers #FestivalLife #MusicFestival #GoaTribe #ProgressiveTrance

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